Your donations help us to offer no or low cost creative writing workshops and creative writing projects in disenfranchised areas, as well as offer an annual book prize.
How we work
We go into neighborhoods and areas where high school students and community members have not normally had the opportunity or been empowered to tell or write their own stories or do other kinds of creative writing such as poetry, creative non-fiction, memoir, or fiction. By offering no or low cost creative writing workshops either on a one time basis or preferably in a week long project, we are able to work magic. Hopefully we pass on the knowledge that we all have stories and voices to tell them with and that is a beautiful and powerful thing to do.
How Your Money Helps
Your money helps by funding free workshops for low-income youth and community members. It also helps defray printing costs to publish broadsides, ‘zines, and chapbooks of the creative work produced in the week-long creative writing projects. In hopes that communities can learn these tools and pass the knowledge on by continuing to do this kind of creative work themselves.
“...which causes me to wonder, my own purpose on so many days as humble as the spider’s, what is beautiful that I make? What is elegant? What feeds the world?”