Seeking the Pack By Odilia Galván Rodríguez


Morning, she’s broken

from all that wandering wonder

how closed her eyes have wanted to be

now, they’re wide open to the world

that bleeds blood-black

now, flows of all kinds

drying up and catching

rides on raven’s wings

or on the air itself

its wings invisible

giant as the sky

two arms outstretched

wide as they can, to signify

how much love is possible

no matter how much

we’ve been  hurt

it is part of the risk

of loving

isn’t it?

you open wide

let all your walls crumble

for a chance 

at love

not just romantic

love that heals


a world broken

open too

from always giving

always taking

a chance

at family, and


to become part

of a pack

it feels good

those moments

of real sister/brotherhood

of making family

there are ancient sacred rites

to take people into y/ours

that’s how important it is

to be open

to whatever

that uncertain

gathering of hearts

will bring