Particular Odyssey: In Search By Meg Withers

Particular Odyssey: In Search By Meg Withers


Poetry makes connections between ideas, any living being (and some non-living), concepts, universes, languages. It’s a great big neighborhood, which is not to say that all is well here. Poetry is one of the greatest forms of reconciliation and has as much conductivity as the most sophisticated electronic instrument. Most artists feel like this about their medium. Take the word medium for instance, which is a whole other universe.

It’s a Hokey Pokey world no doubt about it. We come here, then leave, and maybe come here again, or not. It’s actually none of our business what happens, as long as we make the kinds of connections that attempt to perform reconciliation and conductivity. The left hand in, then the left hand out. We’re turned about in ways we could never imagine – as long as we don’t interfere with universal rules. And, the rulebook is huge and lovely, magical with curves and immense trajectorial possibilities.

The Sciences and Maths are the gravity that pulls us into this version of reality. Information is a renewable passport to the ever-changing; changing the way the universe looks and acts – or so it appears to us. It was probably already that way, to begin with: we just didn’t know. Now we have a new piece of this gigantic puzzle. We fly on through the immensity.

Language is the same; continually remaking itself and the meaning of existence. A group of folks moves into the new neighborhood, and language is hatched from the words of travelers – reconciliation and conductivity are given an opportunity to create themselves.

Every time something new is discovered about how the universcell looks or functions, we open the door into what we may think is the Answer to It All. Mostly, we are faced with another circuitous hallway with countless unopened doors. This is the real magic of language, where all the voices belong. This book is a vision of a particular odyssey toward connectedness.

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